RPM Group


RPM Group is Russia’s leading manufacturer of track maintenance vehicles and technologies. The company comprises six business units and six branches located in various Russian cities, as well as 45 maintenance and service centers.

The structure of the RPM Group made it possible to combine the unique qualities of different factories and integrate their design, engineering and production capabilities into one large all-Russian company. RPM Group develops, manufactures and maintains a complete range of track maintenance vehicles required for the construction, overhaul and current repairs of railway tracks.


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The distinguishing features of vehicles produced by the RPM Group comprise the advanced layout, high efficiency and reliability. Many models of vehicles, having been popular with the customers for more than a decade, have undergone an in-depth modernization and can be adapted to any needs of a customer.

Today, more than 70 types of track maintenance vehicles manufactured by RPM are being operated on the railways of Russia, former USSR and foreign countries, including track renewal trains, on-track ballast cleaning machines, rail motor cars and locotractors, special-purpose rolling stock, track consolidation machines, machines for cleaning and digging track ditches, rail head reprofiling machines, trains for contaminants, snow removal vehicles, special rail cars, rail car retarders.

In December 2018, RPM Group became part of the Sinara-Transport Machines holding.

employees -RPM Group’s personnel
units of new track maintenance vehicles are manufactured each year
units of track maintenance machinery are overhauled each year
units of equipment undergo current repairs at the RSC


A new modular rail motor car (AM-140) equipped with a powerful manipulator with a load rating of up to 16 tons was developed and went into production
AM-140-01 (PK) modular rail motor car was developed, intended for transportation of inspecting parties that monitor the condition of railway tracks and track facilities
MTSO technical support and maintenance unit went into production, intended for comfortable accommodation of working crews
SchOM-1400 ballast stone cleaning machine was developed and went into production
In 2014, IRIS certification was obtained by Kaluga Plant Remputmash and its Tovarkovsky branch, as well as by Orenburg Plant Remputmash
In 2017, Kaluga Plant Remputmash and Yaroslavl PRMZ Remputmash were granted ISO/TS 22163:2017 international certificates


Russia, 248025, Kaluga, Malinniki Lane, #21

Russia, 109028, Moscow, Podkopaevsky lane, #4B